◄ Flat Spin ►

Charybdis Sunday drive advance airing angle angular momentum angular motion angular velocity ascend axial motion back back up bait the hook bank bob bowling budge centrifugate centrifugation centrifuge change change place circle circulate circulation circumgyration circumrotate circumrotation circumvolute clam climb come about concoct continue crab crack up crank crash dap derive descend devise dib dibble dip dizzy dizzy round drag out draw out drive ebb eddy excursion extend fabricate feather fetch about filament fish fishtail flat spin flow fluster fly-fish full circle get over giddy gig gin go go about go around go fishing go round go sideways grig guddle gurge gyrate gyration gyre heel invent jack jacklight jaunt jig joyride keep alive keep going lift loop maelstrom make up mix up mount move move over muddle narrate net oscillate outing pendulate perpetuate pickup pirouette pivot pivot about pivoting plow plunge porpoise produce progress prolong protract pull out pull up purl push down put about rat race recount reel reeling regress relate retail retrogress revolution revolve revolving ride rise roll rolling rotate rotating rotation rotational motion round run screw seine separate shift shred shrimp sideslip sink skid soar spin off spin out spinning spiral still-fish stir stream stretch out stunt subside surge swim swing swing round swinging swirl swirling swivel swiveling tailspin tell torch tour travel trawl troll trolling trundling turbination turn turn a pirouette turn about turn around turn round turn tail turning twirl twirling twist undulate unfold veer veer around vibrate volutation volution vortex wamble wane weave whale wheel wheel about wheeling whir whirl whirligig whirling whirlpool whirlwind wind yaw


Flat Silver
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